lauantaina, maaliskuuta 16, 2013

Suffering has been a central part of African experience, whether it arose from the harsh struggle with nature or the cruelty of men.

John Iliffe(1939-): Africans. The History of a Continent(1997), sivu 4.

lauantaina, maaliskuuta 09, 2013

Jos maan täytyy tuhoutua, vain tähtitiede voi meitä siinä lohduttaa.

Joseph Joubert(1754-1824): Mitä ajattelen. Merkintöjä vuosilta 1774-1824(Carnets I-II, 1994[1. version 1. painos 1838 nimellä Requeil de pensées de M. Joubert, 1838]), sivu 18.
Thinking everything historically is really the essence of Marxism.

Pierre Vilar(1906-2003): Constructing Marxist history, teoksessa Jacques Le Goff(1924-) ja Pierre Nora(1931-)(toim.): Constructing the Past. Essays in historical methodology (1987; Faire de l'histoire, 1974), sivu 79.
What Wells is attempting to do is to castigate not this or that military or political leader or group but the system at large. We are reminded that the worst of individual leaders can be nothing more than the `the indicating pustule of a systematic malaise´.

Stephen Ingle(1940-): Socialist thought in imaginative literature(1979), sivut 63.
Shaw's hatred of poverty is indeed hard to distinguish from his hatred of the poor.

Stephen Ingle(1940-): Socialist thought in imaginative literature(1979), sivut 57.
The difficulty here is that, as soon as we reflect on the contours of early modern history, it becomes embarassingly obvious that a majority of the population would have been surprised to learn about about a rebirth or a recovery of anything that added any value to their lives.

Quentin Skinner(1940-): Vision of Politics: Volume 2: Renaissance Virtues(2002), sivu 1.

torstaina, maaliskuuta 07, 2013

Hidden inside the crown of a king there's always
A fear of assassination; a crown is a stylish hat.
But a head is too much to pay for it.

[Hafez eli Khāwaja Shamsu Dīn Muhammad Hāfez-e Shīrāzī(1315/1317/1325-1389/1390)]: The Angels Knocking on the Tavern Door. Thirty Poems of Hafez(2009, 1. painos 2008.) Kääntäneet Robert Bly(1926-) ja Leonard Lewisohn. Sivu 41.

keskiviikkona, maaliskuuta 06, 2013

It is in India that the most enduring superstitions are found.

Richard Cohen: Chasing the Sun: The Epic Story of the Star That Gives Us Life(2011, 1. painos 2010), sivu 61.

lauantaina, maaliskuuta 02, 2013

The Prophet said that woman prevails over the wise, while ignorant men prevail over her...

Jalãlu'l-Din Rūmī(1207-1273): Selected Poems of Rūmī(2011; 1. painos 1950 nimellä Rūmī: Poet and Mystic (1207-1273). Kääntäjä Reynold A. Nicholson(1868-1945).  Sivu 9.
They lay upon themselves the opprobrium of wine and minstrelsy in order that for awhile they may be delivered from self-consciousness. All know that this existence is a snare, that will and thought and memory are hell.

Jalãlu'l-Din Rūmī(1207-1273): Selected Poems of Rūmī(2011; 1. painos 1950 nimellä Rūmī: Poet and Mystic (1207-1273). Kääntäjä Reynold A. Nicholson(1868-1945).  Sivu 7.